Just a few years back the only usage of the phone was to make calls and having a cell phone was a luxury that only riches could afford. Within a span of such short period, the usage of the cell phone has taken a drastic turn when the internet got introduced to phones. Everything from camera to personal computers got integrated into the smart phones and we were able to get the hold of whole world from anywhere, anytime.
An announcement made by Google broadcasted that most of the people use internet through smart phones and even Hit wise confirmed the Google’s announcement saying that 60% of the users use internet through phones. Most people were using Google on their mobile devices, but Google’s ranking systems were based around the desktop. For which Google gave a solution by introducing “Mobile-first indexing”, which in course changed the world. We’re never going back to the days of optimizing search for desktop only.
This vast usage of phones to access the internet has encouraged developers to make it more efficient for Smartphone usage by introducing different operating systems like Android, IOS. These operating systems are built significantly to enhance the experience of Internet usage on phones. Due to high mobile usage across many industries amongst most of the countries, it’s already critical to take mobile search behavior and optimization into consideration to establish a winning SEO strategy.
So in this Smartphone-oriented and Internet progressed world, We need to answer some questions and should get in depth that how things are changed for your site? As it turns out, there are many implications. You might have to make some serious changes if you want your Google ranking intact or if you want to crawl up in Google searches. We need to keep some key points and answers to some questions in your mind to hike business and to keep in pace.
1. What is the search behavior of your audience?
You need to get in depth with the data that what kinds of queries are seeking traffic towards your website. The mobile search share of these or any other terms you want to access and potentially target with your mobile web presence.
2. Is your site is as exquisite in mobile view as it is in desktop view?
Your site needs to be responsive. This is the most important point to even initiate the ranking and to do to rank well on the mobile-first indexing. Being responsive to a site means it changes its view according to the device i.e. it adapts itself according to the devices. We can also say that a mobile-friendly site will look the same on both desktop and mobile, but it will be designed for mobile.
3. Does your site loads swiftly?
You should always make it sure that your site load swiftly on both desktop and mobile view. Keep the constant track of your website’s speed.
4. Optimize the content of your site according to smart phones
All the fields of your websites should be optimized in correspondence to the Smartphone. All the titles, Meta descriptions, headings, etc. should be correctly set and must be targeting the relevant queries.
It’s really important to have a relevant mobile SEO staking in this Mobile first era. Most of the people use smart phones to access internet and sites. You should indulge your time and efforts to make your sites more mobile friendly. Google has introduced its Mobile first indexing, so make sure that you won’t be left behind by not optimizing your sites for phones.
Don’t let the lack of mobile optimization and not considering mobile first, snatch your costumers. If you focus now on making your mobile site great, you’ll be ranked better and would serve a better experience to your users.