Timekeeping software and special funds allocations are among the items on the Saline County Commission agenda for Tuesday.
About the meeting
Saline County Commission is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday in room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 W. Ash Street. The meetings also can be viewed on Saline County’s YouTube channel:
To participate in the meetings, citizens will need to use the Zoom link. Use the following link and put in the Meeting ID and passcode:
Meeting ID: 968 3581 9901
Passcode: 144636
For further information, contact the County Commission’s Office at (785) 309-5825.
Agenda items
Commissioners are scheduled to consider a request to purchase an automated timekeeping system to replace the current paper timesheet system.
County administrative staff is recommending upgrading to Time Clock Plus, which would interface with the county’s payroll system. The implementation of the Time Clock Plus software would cost $65,635 and “would be funded from existing unspent budget appropriation in the General Courthouse department,” according to information in the Saline County Commission meeting packet. The addition of Time Clock Plus would increase annual maintenance costs for the payroll system by $3,775.
Additionally, commissioners are scheduled to consider approving suggested distributions of funds derived from the gross receipts of tax on alcohol.
“This distribution is divided by formula between the General
Fund and two special revenue funds – a Special Alcohol Fund, the proceeds of which must be used to support ‘services or programs whose principal purpose is alcoholism and drug abuse prevention and education, alcohol and drug detoxification, intervention in alcohol and drug abuse or treatment of persons who are alcoholics or drug abusers or are in danger of becoming alcoholics or drug abusers,’ and a Special Parks & Recreation Fund, the proceeds of which must be used to support ‘purchase, establishment, maintenance or expansion of park and recreational services, programs and facilities,’” according to information in the commission meeting packet.
The proposed allocations are as follows.
At the conclusion of the meeting, commissioners are scheduled to meet in a study session to discuss expression of interest forms for the Community Corrections Advisory Board.
To see the full Saline County Commission meeting packet (28-page pdf), click here.