If you search Google for “aftermarket truck parts” you get about 842,000,000 results in less than 1.18 seconds. With billions of people online searching for automobile parts in a global market, how can you differentiate your business from competitors? Successful online marketing is how. In this article, we share strategies with you that will help move your website pages to the top of the Google heap and start to help you stand apart from your competitors.
Website Domain Authority
If you want to compete with other product manufacturers and resellers, then you need to create what’s called “Domain Authority” (DA). Moz and other sites developed a score that tells you how well you’re likely to rank on Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. It’s important to note that you should focus your efforts on Google, though, since they command the space. Just look at these stats for search engine authority!
Google corners the market with 92.04%, Bing gets 2.66% and Yahoo! only 1.48%.
Your domain authority is based on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm that takes into account numerous factors including:
● Social media engagement and number of posts on multiple platforms.
● Your website’s site map.
● Keywords and key phrases that are often searched concerning your product or service. In your case, it could be searching for parts like a 2021 Ford-F150 clutch or tires for a 2019 Nissan Titan.
● The age of your site.
● The speed at which your site loads.
● Easy navigation of your site, aided by meta descriptions, tags, and titles.
● The number of people who link to your site (as this indicates you are an authority on the topics you are talking about).
● Many other factors.
Your site’s DA is usually a score between zero and 100. If your site scores a 66 and your competitors score a 45, you’ll still likely out-compete them.
While you can’t raise your domain authority overnight, and it doesn’t always guarantee you the first page on a Google search, the higher your domain authority score, the more likely it is that people will find you, engage with your brand, and purchase aftermarket auto parts from you.
Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for Important Landing Pages
Let’s start with Meta Tags and Meta Descriptions for your aftermarket truck part business. A meta tag is HTML that helps search engines figure out what you’re talking about. Here are a few examples of meta descriptions and meta titles below. You’ll notice a few things:
- The Meta title is a brief description that tells you exactly what the page is about. It includes words like “truck,” “parts,” and “accessories.” In the first example, the keyphrase “truck accessories and parts” is used. In the second example, “Truck parts & Accessories is used.” While these can seem like details to ignore, they can help you target different audiences based on how they speak or type their search inquiries.
- The Meta description, the area under the title that gives a long explanation of the page content has the business name, keywords, and phrases, and even specific needs are targeted for aftermarket truck parts, like “help with towing a trailer.” If you can get into the mind of the person who would be utilizing your aftermarket parts, and speak to them as if you’re solving their specific problems, then you’re more likely to show up in search results.
An Automotive SEO agency can also help so that you’re using target words and phrases that matter to truck owners.
Most Popular Truck Parts on Social Media, But Only After Creating a Vibe
Unless you already have a solid following on your website and have your email drip campaigns bringing you more business than you can handle, you’re going to need to target potential buyers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. There are robust markets here for auto parts. Instead of talking about specific truck parts, talk about the things that truck-owners like to revel in: mudding through an off-road in their 4 X 4, or towing their new high-speed boat to the coolest lakes in Texas. You want to create a world that speaks to a truck person’s ideals, and let the parts you sell almost be an afterthought.
You can target organic traffic using hashtags like #Ford or #Tacoma, for instance, or you can run targeted ads for a few dollars on each of these social platforms to target a specific audience, say people who want to use their truck for hauling and often need after-market rigs.
Two of the biggest mistakes people make when posting to social media are:
- Not engaging with their audience. You can’t just throw some posts up and hope to get a bunch of new customers. You have to comment, like, and engage with customer feedback.
- Not being consistent. Being successful on social is all about telling a story and doing it often. Consistency matters. You want to become the authority on the topic of aftermarket truck parts. That doesn’t happen with a single post once a week when you finally remember to do it. Use a social planning and posting site like Later to post on Facebook and Instagram at least 2 times a day, and on Twitter up to 3 times a day.
Make Your Website Easy to Navigate and Checkout
Did you know that people will “bounce” from your site, or leave in less than seconds if a page takes too long to load, it’s confusing or difficult to find what they need, or the checkout process is cumbersome? Take the time to hire a professional website developer if you’re not an expert and make your site top-notch so that after you spend all that time and energy getting people to your site, they don’t leave it before you’ve had a chance to close a sale. If you use the help of an automotive digital marketing agency, you can make sure your website hums like a great engine.
Sell Aftermarket Truck Parts: Automotive Advertising Made Easy
By following these simple tips, you can crowd out your competition in a growing online market, and sell more truck parts than you ever dreamed of.